Supernatural 14.01

Oct 12, 2018 13:23

Just finished watching...

Supernatural 14.01: Stranger in a Strange Land

Yasss show yasss. Give me all the capable, strong, taking charge, do-anything-to-find-Dean Sam. *soaks it up* <3<3 I love how the 'normal' demons are scared of Sam (as they should!), and taking off when Sam challenged them. More of that please.

I'm not sure what to think of Nick still being alive. It's a bit... strange? But okay. As long as he's actually just Nick, and it doesn't turn out that Lucifer isn't actually dead but just lurking, 'cause then we're gonna have strong words, show. Lucifer is done and should. stay. dead.

Also? Is Castiel ever not gonna be useless and incompetent? He makes it hard to ignore him when he's just being so incredibly stupid. Just... ugh.

Anyway. Michael. I just... I really hope this storyline will come to an end fast. I miss Dean. I don't want to miss him for episodes on end. I know people are excited for Jensen to play another character, and don't want it to end fast. I still see people complain about the Demon!Dean storyline. I thought the demon!Dean storyline was perfect and shouldn't have lasted any longer as it did. And I really hope this one won't last any longer than that as well. Maybe even shorter. I just can't be as excited about an episode if Dean isn't there, working along side Sam.

What I did really like and will roll around in for a while is Michael saying that Dean said yes for love. Cause yes. Yes, show, thank you. <3

Please no spoilers for coming eps in the comments, thanks!

episode reaction, supernatural

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