JIBweek: New camera, random pictures, and a night out in Rome

May 22, 2018 02:18

Okay, time to start posting some more photo's of the past week. Here's a collection of random pictures that come mostly from my phone. Enjoy!

First, I forgot to mention.... right before going to Rome, I got myself a new camera! I've been wanting a new camera for a while, and was planning on buying one for my birthday, but then I wasn't sure what to buy and it's quite an investment... but in the end I settled on one, and I've been very pleased with the resulting pictures so far. :)

It's a Sony A68 with a 18-250mm lens.

And I got myself a nice camera backpack, so it's nicely stored away and safe while traveling.


Okay, next some random pictures I've taken while traveling and at the con. :)

At the airport, on my way to the gate. You can just about see on the clock how early it is. :')

Sunrise while waiting at the gate. :)

In the plane.

We also got some food and drink in the plane. :) A nice sandwich with chicken and tea.

My first food and drink at the hotel. :')

Okay, this might be a bit gross, so be warned... I also took another souvenir home with me. I miiiight be getting a bit allergic to mosquito bites. :/

People waiting for the actors to pass by at the end of the con.

Me and bflyw in the bus on our way to the Mondaynight concert.

Waiting to get into the club the concert would be at.

In the bus on our way back to the hotel, after a great concert.

The hotel the con was in and where I stayed for the week.

Making my way back to the airport to fly back home. :(

On Sunday evening, there was nothing happening conwise, so a group of us went out for diner and a night stroll through Rome.

We had to wait a bit to go into the restaurant, so we checked out the neighborhood.

Everything is just so pretty. *__*

After diner we strolled around some more.

Pretty fountain.

The Pantheon.

Trevi fountain.

Waiting while some of us got icecream.

Spanish Steps.

And another pretty fountain. <3

That's it for now. Will post some panel pictures soon, hopefully. :)

friends, pictures, jus in bello convention, picspam

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