Jibweek bound

May 07, 2018 22:36

It's almost time for JIBweek! Tomorrow I'll be flying out to Rome. \o/ I must say, I'll be glad once I'm in Rome, because boy. I'm a nervous traveler on a good day. But tomorrow, there will be a strike at Rome airport, so my original flight got cancelled today. Thankfully, I got on another flight, but I'll be leaving a lot earlier then original intended. I'll fly out at 6:45 in the morning. But I don't care, as long as I get to Rome, I don't care at what time I'm flying. Please keep your fingers crossed for me that traveling will go smoothly tomorrow?

Anyway... I usually bring drawings, and as is the norm these days, I started on them way to late. So I only managed to make 4 pieces.

First off, for Jared and Jensen. I loved 'Baby'so much, and I love this quote from another season, so I combined them into one piece:

Deviant Art

The second one is Brianna. I used one of my own pics from last year as a reference:

Deviant Art

Third is another piece to add to my JIBcon portrait series. This time, Jack:

Deviant Art

For JIBland, I only made one piece. Brett Dalton (Ward from Agents of Shield) will be there, and eventhough I've only seen one season, I really enjoyed that show, so I wanted to make something for him to sign.

Deviant Art

I'm not sure if I'm gonna be online much, but if I am it's probably gonna be on Twitter or Instagram. Same username as here, if you want to keep up with my shenanigans. :')


sam winchester, supernatural, fanart: supernatural, fanart, drawings, jus in bello convention, art, tv shows, dean winchester

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