Supernatural 13.08

Dec 03, 2017 15:57

Just finished watching...

Supernatural 13.08: The Scorpion and the Frog

Now this is more like it. This episode was a 100 times better then the last two. The episode actually had Sam and Dean in it and the story was focussing on them. That's the show I fell in love with.

And even better, Sam and Dean were working as a solid team, being smart and protective, and ended up choosing the right side, even if it mean loosing what they were after. <3 The funny moments didn't feel to overdone, and they managed to save someone, which always a good thing.

I hope they went though Luthers house to see what else he had in his collection, to see is there's anything usefull in there. :')

So yeah. Solid episode. Hope next week is gonna be like this one, but seeing how it's the last one before hiatus I'm not holding my breath. :/

I'm pretty much spoiler free, so please no spoilers/ talk about promos for coming episodes. Thanks! :D

episode reaction, supernatural

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