Supernatural 13.02

Oct 21, 2017 23:27

just finished watching.

Supernatural 13.02: The Rising Son

Ah, another good and decent episode. I pretty much sat at the tip of my chair the entire time. :D

So we're introduced to a new character, Asmodeus, the fourth prince of hell. I like the white suit. :') And an older character returns, Donatello. I like him. He seems to do pretty well, even without a soul.

And poor Jack. He seems confused and trying to do the right thing. I actually really hope he'll stay mostly on the right path. I really don't want him to turn into a second Lucifer. We'll see how it pans out.

And hey, looks like I got proven right in my idea that Sam got his protection tattoo done right away after everthing. I mean, Sam's a smart boy, of course he got it re-done.

I don't really know what else to say other then that I really enjoyed this ep. Here's for hoping next week will be good too. :)

I'm pretty much spoiler free, so please no spoilers/ talk about promos for coming episodes. Thanks! :D

episode reaction, supernatural

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