50 Cute This or That Questions

Jul 04, 2017 00:22

Wow, sorry for falling off the face of the internet again. I just... don't have much to say? Work is still keeping me busy, and when I get home I don't have energy to do much more to sit down and try not to fall asleep. :') I still haven't posted any of my JIBcon pictures, and I do plan on posting some soon (when I can find the time/energy). For now... have a meme. This way I at least have something to say on here. :')

  1. cacti or succulents
  2. butterflies or honeybees - I love both, but the butterfly wins it. :)
  3. typewritten or handwritten letters - Love handwritten letters. <3
  4. flower crowns or oversized sun hats - The sun and me don't always go hand in hand, so yeah. :')
  5. polaroids or film

  6. road tripping in a VW bus down the coast or camping in the woods on summer nights - Love the woods. <3
  7. cozy beanbags or breezy hammocks
  8. oversized jumpers or fluffy bathrobes
  9. banana bread or pumpkin spiced loaf
  10. the smell of old books or the smell of petrichor - I've always loved the way the air smells before/ after the rain.
  11. chapstick or matte lipstick - I can't go without my chapstick. I have so many and I take them with me everywhere.
  12. macarons or eclairs - Because of my cowmilk intollerance, eclairs are not something I can eat.
  13. a candlelit bath or a naturally lit reading room
  14. a matinee at a musical or a evening at the art gallery
  15. creamy hot cocoa with marshmallows or dippable hot chocolate with churros - If the cocoa is made with soy milk <3
  16. poetry or prose
  17. vinyl or cassettes
  18. antique shops or second hand stores
  19. a heavy, rich chocolate cake with ganache and caramel or a light, summer sponge cake with cream and fruit - Well... the cake and fruit without the cream.
  20. purikuras or photo booths
  21. cozy scarfs or warm beanies - I really don't like beanies, and I have an addiction to buying scarfs. :')
  22. rose gold or copper
  23. watching the sky at sunset from the beach or watching the city below from an airplane at night - Love the beach.
  24. mason jars or coffee mugs
  25. puffy clouds and blue skies or thunder and lighting on rainy days
  26. a cup of hot tea or a bowl of warm soup - I mean, I love both. But tea. <3
  27. picnic on a grassy hill or tea in a flower garden
  28. silk or lace
  29. sketching in a museum or journaling in a café
  30. converse high tops or beaded summer sandals
  31. sweet crêpes or fluffy pancakes
  32. galaxies or nebulae - I really don't know which one to choose.
  33. cuff-chain earrings or full finger rings
  34. knee socks or leggings - Love leggings. So comfy.
  35. in bed or out in the rain
  36. the muted colors of winter or the vibrant colors of summer
  37. autumn leaves or spring flowers - Both are super pretty.
  38. summer fruits: peaches, berries, cherries, and apricots or tropical fruits: pineapples, mangos, papaya, and grapefruit.
  39. malt shakes or ice cream floats
  40. smooth jazz or lo-fi
  41. waves lapping at the shore or wind rolling over wheat fields
  42. sunflowers or lavender
  43. enamel pins or embroidered patches
  44. fresh cheeses and cured meats or fresh bread and homemade jams - Breaaaaddd <3
  45. fireworks or sparklers - Haha, I don't like either.

  46. bath bombs or scented candles
  47. library borrower cards or vintage postcards
  48. singing and playing the ukulele while walking or singing in the car with the windows down
  49. filling your passport with stamps from each place you travel to or collecting souvenirs from every place you’ve traveled to
  50. _____ or _____ - Anything you'd want me to choose from?


meme, about me

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