JIBcon 8: drawings/ sketches

May 16, 2017 00:46

Here are the drawings/ sketches I made for JIBcon. (You can click on the drawings to see them a bit bigger.)


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supernatural, art, fanart: supernatural, sketches, fanart, drawings, jus in bello convention

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Comments 25

stir_of_echoes May 15 2017, 22:52:23 UTC
Wow! I'm in awe :)


sillie82 June 25 2017, 21:19:37 UTC
Thanks. :)


borgmama1of5 May 15 2017, 23:54:09 UTC
You are so talented!


sillie82 June 25 2017, 21:19:49 UTC
Aww, thank you.


kalliel May 15 2017, 23:54:11 UTC
You have been a BUSY arting bee!! <3333 I'm stunned by the number of full portraits you've been able to get together, especially the Mick and Ketch ones on such short notice. (I'll bet this is the first time they've ever been a part of a fandom with such a vibrant art community--I wonder how many portraits they've seen of themselves, if any at all! :P) My favorite one of these is Cain, with that wild hair and that arch look in his eyes. It's a shame the actor won't be available to sign it this year, but I do hope you get to see him one day! <3


sillie82 June 25 2017, 21:20:37 UTC
Haha, yeah, I was very busy those last few days before JIB. I'm glad I managed to get them all done though. :D


katwoman76 May 15 2017, 23:56:43 UTC
Fantastic. And I'm amazed how you even managed to add the last minute editions. Wow.


sillie82 June 25 2017, 21:20:54 UTC
Thanks! :D


supernutjapan May 16 2017, 02:34:36 UTC
LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!! The actors are going to be so thrilled <3<3


sillie82 June 25 2017, 21:21:32 UTC
Aww, thank you bb.


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