Good riddance!

Mar 25, 2017 00:22

I had wanted to update my journal about this Wednesday, but I came out of work exhausted and couldn't find the energy to type something out.

Anyway... Yesterday I went into hospital to get my tonsils removed. I was pretty nervous as it was the first time for me going completely under. It's funny because I know this hospital really well because I've had a weekend job as a cleaning lady there for years and years. I've seen the recovery room and operation rooms from the inside, and talked to nurses and doctors, but never as a patient. Now I was going to see how it would be on 'the other side'.

I had to be there at a quarter past 9 in the morning, and the nurse who came to pick me up actually recognized me from work, which was funny. She took me to a bed and explained how the day was going to go. I had to change into one of those charming blue surgical gowns. When that was done, the nurse came back and handed me paracetamol to take and a little pill that would help with staying calm (can't remember the name of that). Then the nurse aksed me some questions (about medication and health etc.), and took my bloodpressure (Which was on the high side. I do like my salty things, but looks like I need to cut back a bit...). Then she told me it wouldn't be to long before I would be taken up to the operation room, and to just chill untill then.
I really didn't have to wait to long, and a little after 10 I was wheeled away. It was a really surreal feeling, sitting in that bed and being wheeled places. Anyway. I was taken up to the 6th floor, where the operating rooms are situated. I was wheeled into a sort of preperation room. There another nurse took over. She also asked me a few questions, and then she inserted the thingy needed for the IV in my hand (man, that was not pleasant. D:). I also got a charming net to cover my hair, and not to much later I was wheeled into the operating room. I had to transfer into the table, and then a lot of things happen at once. I once again had to anser some questions. The ENT doctor who would operate on me came in, and talked to me briefly. Then someone else told me something about the medication used to put me under and how it sometimes feels unpleasant in your arm, so she would give me something else first. Another person had put one of those breathing things over my mouth and nose, and I was breathing in something very chemical smelling. Someone else told me to pick out a nice dream, but I never got that far, because it felt like the next second I woke up in the recovering room on the 6th floor. It was so, so weird, and you feel so confused at first. I also still felt very groggy. As soon as one of the nurses there noticed I was awake, I was first offered a sip of water, and then my first icelolly. I can't really remember how the pain was, but I don't think it was to bad, because I had no trouble eating the icelolly. The nurse also removed the net thing from my head, and the lady who was in the bed next to me complimented me on my hair. :') I had to wait a little to be picked up and brought back to the 2nd floor where I was before, because the nurses were really busy. I was offered another icelolly, and also got a little cup of water.
Eventually the nurses came to bring me back to the Recovery room on the second floor, where I got another icecream, and a entire pitcher of icewater. I was told before hand that drinking a lot would be good for the wounds, so I proceeded to empty out the pitcher in the next hour. I was slowly getting more alert, and came to the conclusion that yes, it hurt, but it was not as bad as I had feared. Drinking and swallowing went okay, but talking was quite a challenge. :') After about an hour and a half, the ENT doctor came by for a quick check up to see how things were going. He told me that my tonsils were pretty damn rotten, and it was good they were out. :') I thanked him, and once he was gone I was allowed to call my dad to come pick me up. Talking was pretty damn painfull though, and I think the nurse realised it also, because she offered to call for me, which I gladly took her up on. While I waited for my dad, I got dressed (and went to the bathroom, because by then I had to pee really badly XD). I got some instructions on what to do and not do when I got home, and some prescriptions for painkillers to take at home, and that was it. My dad came in not long after that (we live pretty close to the hospital), so after picking up the medication I was off back home.

I had to go into hospital on an empty stomach, so by then I was pretty hungry. But you're not allowed to eat anything hard/ warm when you first get home, so all I could eat was applesauce. And icelolly's. I also drank a lot of icewater, which resulted in me having to go to the bathroom every 45 minutes or so. I also had to sleep in a bit of an angle that first night, because laying completely flat can cause swelling or an after bleed, so I decided to sleep on the couch in the livingroom. That also put me closer to the toilet and the freezer for icewater and icecream.

Which gets us to today. I must say that the pain isn't that bad. The painkillers are doing their job and today I tried some soft bread with jam. Thankfully that went okay, because applesauce and icelolly's don't really fill you up. For diner I had some macaroni (boiled a tiny tad longer so it's soft) with some scrambled egg. That went okay as well, so yay for that.
Talking, yawning and swallowing still hurt, and I can't really open my mouth that far at the moment, so things are def. still irritated and swollen. My hand is also forming a nice bruise where the IV drip thingy went into my hand. I won't be going into work next week to make sure everyting is healed up properly, and then all should be good. :)

tl;dr... I went into hospital to get my tonsils removed, and things went pretty well all things concidered. Now I'm at home recovering and eating loads of icecream. :')

Oh, before I go. I really want to thank beelikej for being an awesome friend. She sent me a package before the operation with a sweet card wishing me luck, and a bunch of icelolly's to freeze in and eat after the operation. And when I got home after the operation, another package was waiting for me with another sweet card, and an awesome crochet book on how to make monsters. Thank you so much bb, both packages were much appreciated. <3

ramblings, friends, health, about me, doctor, personal, sick

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