30 day meme challenge - Day 7

Mar 20, 2017 02:30

Man, I'm so behind on the flist again. I've been trying to catch up, but I'm just so exhausted again, I just can't seem to focuss on reading. :/ Sorry if I missed anything important. Anyway...

Day 7 - Do you read? What are your favorite books?

Man, I used to read so much. I can remember a time when I read at least a book a week. Not so much right now. I'm ashamed to say it has been at least 2 years since I've finished a book. *hangs head* I don't know why that is... I want to get back in the swing of things.

My favorite kind of books are detectives and fantasy books. I loved reading the Dalziel & Pascoe and Midsomer Murder books. I loved reading Harry Potter (although I'm ashamed to say I still need to read the last two books.). So yeah.

Day 4, 5 and 6

meme, about me

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