Sunday Random

Dec 04, 2016 18:04

* Remember how I've been talking about feeling tired and off for a while now? I got some blood taken last week and Friday I got the results. I've got a vitamine D and vitamine B12 deficiency. That combined with my bad sleeping habbits totally explains why I've been feeling so exhausted, and why I can't brain/ concentrate lately. Hopefully once I start taking stuff for it, I'll feel better soonish. *crosses fingers*

* Managed to catch up with the flist after hardly being on line last week. It's been a while since I've seen skip=220 come by. But I think I'm all caught up now! Now to tackle those comments...

* I joined the Holiday Love Meme, but I was super late. My thread is here. I tried to leave love to everyone from the flist who joined as well, but if I forgot you, let me know?

* I started work on my Christmas cards, but they're far from being done. I'm hoping to send them off before the 17th, but I can't promise anything, so expect them to be late. Sorry guys. :/

* Oh, oh! So happy for Jensen and Danneel about the birth of their twins! And with such rocking names as well! ':D :D :D And Jensen is still doing the convention today, how's that for dedication? *smishes him hard* :D :D

* I feel like I'm forgetting a lot I wanted to mention, but like I said... I can't brain lately. Hope you're all having a great weekend! *smooches*


lj, health, jensen ackles, meme, about me, moody, personal, blah

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