
Nov 13, 2016 22:10

Oh god people, I'm so tired. I've not been feeling well today, and after the shower I took tonight I don't seem to have any energy left. I want to post a quick update but I can't brain, so I'm sorry if things don't make a lot of sense.

I'm sorry for once again being super behind on the flist. I'm still really tired (mostly because my sleeping schedule sucks; I've been trying to be better about it, but it's hard when you're hardwired as a night person. But I'm also starting to wonder if I should get my blood checked. I might have a vitamin deficiency of some sort.), and my brain is all over the place. I can't seem to concentrate, and just sitting down and reading seems impossible right now.

Also, 2016 keeps being horrible. I think I told you guys about one of my uncles who got diagnosed with a braintumor a while back. He got an operation and treatment, and was actually doing pretty well considering. But Thursday we got the news he had passed away, for us quite unexpectedly. He had a wound on his leg and got bloodpoisoning, and that's what eventually killed him. I just... He was supposed to turn 69 this coming Wednesday, but instead there will be a cremation. I'm mostly sad for my dad (it was his brother) and my uncle's family; I didn't know this uncle very well.

So. Might not react to all of your posts, my dear flist, but I'll try to at least read all of it. Hopefully normal reading/ commenting will happen again soon.

Hope your weekend was good. <3

family, health, about me, blah, personal, sick

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