Supernatural 12.04

Nov 04, 2016 18:39

Just finished watching.

Supernatural 12.04: American Nightmare

Another great episode. And I really liked how we went back to the beginning with the psychics kids. I'm not sure if Magda is psychic because of the YED, or because she's just psychic, but you just know there must be more of them out there.

Dean was being mister grumpy pants this episode, but I kind of expected him to. I think Sam did a good job trying to talk about it but not pushing through when Dean obviously didn't want to talk about it. Dean always needs to think things over, stew on it for a bit. In the end he realised Sam was right, and of course that's when Mary texted him back. :')

So, that little scene with Dean checking out the bike last episode wasn't for nothing. Mr. Ketch is following them around, and cleaning up their 'mess'. Kinda shows how they're doing it in the Britisch chapter. They just kill everything, whether is actually evil or not. Poor Magda. :'(

I feel like I'm forgetting to touch on a lot of things here, but endconclusion is that I really liked this episode. :D <3

I'm pretty much spoiler free, so please no spoilers/ talk about promos for coming episodes. Thanks! :D

episode reaction, supernatural

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