
Oct 09, 2016 00:37

Wow, I'm being horrible again with posting here and answering my comments. So sorry for that. But I'll be having two weeks off after next week, and I promise I'll catch up then. I've just been having a weird couple of weeks, and I feel like I'm just about hanging on by the skin of my teeth. It kinda looked like I was getting ill yesterday. Felt like crap and spend most of the day on the couch sleeping. Thankfully I'm feeling a lot better today, but I kinda feel it's a warning sign of my body that I need some rest soon.

Anyway, here's for some happy. Went to visit the ratbreeder last week, to check out the babies my mom and I picked out. And yesterday I got an email telling us we can go pick them up tomorrow. :D So excited! Here, have some pictures I took at the ratbreeder:

Here's a temp. cage with a mama and her babies.

Some babies sleeping in the corner.

This is one of the babies I'll be taking home. His name is gonna be Kili.

More sleeping babies.

The two babies my mom's taking. Their names will be Tom and Arie.

This is the second baby that will be mine. His name will be Fili (duh ;P).

Fili and Kili together.

Another look in one of the baby cages.

Very excited about picking them up, so be prepared to be bombarded with lots of pictures in the coming weeks. :')

pictures, ratties, about me, pets, animals, picspam, rats

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