Can we be done now?

Sep 27, 2016 02:25

And the hits just keep on coming.

Had to say goodbye to Sammy as well. He'd suddenly taken a turn for the worst over the weekend. From one day to the next, he suddenly had trouble walking and standing up straight without falling over. And this morning he just kept falling over and had crap coming out of one ear. I'd also noticed that one eye was popping out a little more then the other. According to the vet he had an earinfection, but probably also a tumor in his head, and there was really nothing they could do for him.

I kind of saw it coming, but I must admit I'm not really equiped to deal with it right now. Only bright spot is that I'd been arranging new friends for Sammy, and this coming Friday I'm going to the rat breeder to meet and cuddle with the rittens I'd picked out. Two for me, and two for my mom. They're really young still though, so I think it'll take at least a month before we can take them home.

So now all I wan to do is cry everytime I see the empty cage. Gonna miss you so much little Sammy. <3

ratties, rats, personal

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