Spn_j2_bigbang 2016: Bring Me Back to You

Aug 08, 2016 01:17

Title: Bring Me Back to You
Author name: kaylennz
Artist name: sillie82
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Word count: 27,321
Warnings: Only if kidfic is your Kryptonite.


Jared is hired by Kripke & Morgan, one of Northern California’s most prestigious law firms, straight out of law school. It’s an incredible opportunity and Jared and Jensen are in agreement that after five years with the firm Jared could write his ticket anywhere. They’re only six months in when Jensen begins to feel the strain of Jared’s ten hour days. It’s supposed to be their happily ever after but when Jared forgets a very important date he begins to realize that a rewarding career means nothing without the love of his life.

Artist Notes: It's finally time for me to post my first and only spn_j2_bigbang artpost of this year! \o/ Eventhough we had a lot of time, it still felt like time flew by. I had so much fun with this, and I hope it translates into the art. Also definitely check out kaylennz's great story. I had fun working with you, I hope you had fun too! :D

Art has some minor spoilers for the story, so be warned!

Banner Illustration
(Click to see bigger)

Pencil version

Medium: Pencil, water color, colored pencils.

Scene Illustration 1
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil version

'He looked at himself in the rearview mirror and said it out loud. "No." He willed back the tears, blinking rapidly to stave them off. He would not start crying now.'

Medium: Pencil, water color, colored pencils.

Scene Illustration 2
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil version

'The wind was raw off the water, sea rough and white-capped as he made his way down the stretch of sand in the early gray of morning. Jensen hadn't gone far. He stood with his back to Jared, gaze drawn to the distant place where ocean met sky and the first color of dawn streaked slowly through the horizon. He was barefoot, dressed in faded denim frayed at the edges and soft oatmeal thermal that hugged his biceps and the curve of his hip.'

Medium: Pencil, water color pencils, colored pencils, a little Photoshop.

Scene Illustration 3
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil version

'Jared was tempted to pull Jensen into his arms, but Jensen had deliberately turned to face him, putting a little space between them. He took hold of the closest hand under the covers and laced their fingers again, They gazed at each other quietly, neither willing to break the peaceful silence. Jensen's eyes roamed slowly over his features, drinking in every aspect of his appearance. The warmth of the comforter and the long night catching up with him almost immediately as his gaze grew heavy.'

Medium: Pencil, Photoshop.



[For those interested; sketches, in progress pictures oh lala!]
So for those of you who are interested, here are the very first quick sketches I made to share my idea's with my writer, and some in progress shots of the artwork.

Banner first sketch:

Progress pic banner:

Here's the banner picture with just the watercolors down. After this I went in with the colored pencils.

Scene illustration 1 first sketch:

In progress pics:

The drawing with just the watercolors down:

After I went in with the colored pencils, it looked like this. I wasn't completely happy with it yet, so I messed some with it in Photoshop.

Scene illustration 2 first sketch:

Scene illustration 3 first sketch:

Reference pictures used

Artpost on Tumblr

Constructive criticism and comments are love. :3

icons, fanart: supernatural, jensen ackles, fanart, drawings, jared padalecki, art, bigbang

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