JIBcon 7 art project: Sam'n'Dean bag

May 12, 2016 01:46

So I've been breaking my head over what to draw/make for Jared and Jensen to sign, when a plan I've been playing with for the past 2 years suddenly popped back up again. I really wanted to make my own Spn bag to take to JIB, but never really knew how to go about it. Then I made a bag for my dad, and the idea came back up. I had fabric left, so last week, I took the plunge.


I think it looks pretty good. :D

And look at the awesome fabric on the inside. Dean would approve, yes?

A closer look at the stitching:

And here's me 'wearing' the bag so y'all can see how big it is. Excuse the tired face. :')

The idea is to have Jared and Jensen sign the bag. I'm bringing a textile marker for them to sign with, so I can fixate the signatures later in the hotel room so they won't slowly wear off.

What do ya'll think? :D

* I'm so sorry I'm once again not really 'there'. I'm behind on answering comments and suck at actually leaving comments. Work is kind of crazy and JIBcon is coming up next week (!!!), so I'm trying to get a lot done while feeling tired as hell. Will try and catch up this weekend. Still love all your faces. <3

sam winchester, supernatural, pictures, art, fanart: supernatural, dean winchester, jus in bello convention

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