Spn_j2_bigbang 2015: Fractured Bonds

Aug 06, 2015 01:54

Title: Fractured Bonds
Author name: majestic_duxk
Artist name: sillie82
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word count: approx. 27,000
Warnings: (for the story) rape of a minor (not explicit), omega verse, omega!dean, alpha!sam, mild gore, body horror, abortion by exorcism, blood, hospital scenes, mild violence, dysfunctional family, no graphic sex, show level violence, show level gore, angst, self esteem issues, John tries, spn!au, hurt!dean, protective!sam, castiel angel of the lord, spn!au, issues arising from pregnancy from a monster.


When Dean was 12 his very first heat turned out to be a brutal disaster. Complications result in Dean’s left damaged beyond repair, effectively a beta. Despite this, when Sam first popped his knot, Dean suspected Sam might be his mate. A few omega hormone shots and he'd know it for sure. But being a defective omega he didn't think he deserved any alpha, let alone his precious baby brother. Dean keeps his distance, and when Sam leaves for Stanford he knows it’s for the best.

Except then John goes missing and Dean has to collect his brother…

Artist Notes: This is my second spn_j2_bigbang artpost of this year! \o/ This was a heavy story, and I had a bit of trouble picking what to draw for scene illustrations. Funnily enough, the banner idea came to me quickly. In the end I think I ended up with a nice set. Thanks to majestic_duxk for being patient and great to work with. Thanks bb! :D

Art has spoilers for the story, so be warned!

Scene Illustration 1
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt

'He swept in, pulling Dean into his lap and pulling him tight against his chest, just wanting to surround Dean with comfort.'

Medium: Pencil, little bit of Photoshop.

Scene Illustration 2
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil Sketch // Just watercolors

'Filled with impotent rage, Sam stormed towards the angel. At least, that was his intention. Between one moment and the next, he was on the ground, hands covering his ears as an almighty shriek rent the air. Looking up, he saw the angel approaching, glowing with righteous might. Always a little odd, he was now completely otherworldly. In that moment. Sam can’t believe he doubted that Castiel was an angel. '

Medium: Pencil, watercolors, colored pencils.


Young Dean portrait
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt

John Portrait
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt

Medium: Pencil




Reference Pictures Used

Artpost on Tumblr

Constructive criticism and comments are love. :3

icons, sam winchester, fanart: supernatural, fanart, drawings, art, dean winchester, bigbang

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