Spn_j2_bigbang 2015: Forget-Me-Not

Jul 22, 2015 22:26

Title: Forget-Me-Not
Author name: darcydelaney
Artist name: sillie82
Genre: RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Word count: ~28,000
Warnings: (for the story) Language, panic attack, characters with Alzheimer's, minor character deaths

Jared lands a job as the new activities director at the Odd Fellows Nursing Home. While working there, he meets his share of characters that live up to the home's name, but he's not betting on meeting Jensen, the shy, so-good-looking-it's-almost-not-fair son of one of the residents. Jared soon learns that Jensen's just gotten out of a bad relationship, so he's instructed to steer clear. Jensen is having issues dealing with the fact that his mother is in a home and all the emotional hurdles that come with it, and Jared decides to make it his mission to be the one to help Jensen through it all, and maybe earn himself a kiss or two along the way.

Artist Notes: It's my first spn_j2_bigbang artpost of this year! \o/ I had so much fun with this. I had the pleasure of working with the wonderful darcydelaney, who wrote a wonderful story that you def. have to read!

Art has spoilers for the story, so be warned!

Scene Illustration 1
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil Sketch

'Jensen turns around slowly so that the backs of his calves are pressed against the ladder’s rungs as he makes his way down. Jared watches him, waiting until he’s only a foot or two from the ground before grabbing Jensen’s arms and forcing him to sit down on one of the rungs. Jensen laughs and twists in his arms, trying to get free, but before he can, Jared leans forward and presses his lips against Jensen’s.'

Medium: Pencil, water color, colored pencils.


Scene Illustration 2
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil Version

'It’s impossible for Jared to contain the delight that spreads across his face when they finally manage to catch a glimpse of their photo. Jared’s arms are up in the air, one hand holding Jensen’s. The camera caught him in mid-laugh, while Jensen is hiding his face with his free hand and arm, his shoulders scrunched up close to his face. His hand’s not big enough to hide the look of pure terror on his face, though, and Jared bursts into laughter.'

Medium: Pencil, Photoshop


Scene Illustration 3
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil Sketch

'Jared’s brain freezes for a split second as his eyes take in the sight of Jensen’s face buried in his arms on the kitchen table, his body wracked with sobs that echo so loudly through the apartment Jared’s surprised he hadn’t heard them in the hall. He rushes to Jensen’s side and rests his hand against Jensen’s shuddering back, but Jensen doesn’t look up.'

Medium: Pencil, water color, colored pencils.


Jensen's Tattoo
(Click to see bigger)

On DeviantArt // Pencil Sketch

“I...was thinking about getting a tattoo.” Jared raises his eyebrows, and Jensen continues quickly. “For Momma.” He squeezes her hand a little, and Donna glances at him, but doesn’t say anything. Jared walks over and gives her a card with a sunflower, and she gives him a smile. Jared smiles back, but hopes that Jensen didn’t notice.
“Yeah? Of what?”
“Um, an owl. She used to be a teacher--she taught little kids sign language--and I thought, hey, since owls are associated with teachers, and they’re cool anyway, I’d get one for her. And some flowers.”
“What kind?”

Medium: Pencil, FineLiner, colored pencils.




Reference Pictures Used

Artpost on Tumblr

Constructive criticism and comments are love. :3

icons, fanart: supernatural, jensen ackles, fanart, drawings, jared padalecki, art, bigbang

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