The letter meme.

Feb 15, 2015 18:49

Made some new friends at the Positively_SPN's Happy Valentine's Day Friending Meme! :D *waves* Welcome to my journal. :D :D


The letter meme.

cassiopeia7 gave me the letter "C". If you'd like a letter, let me know. :)

Something I hate strongly dislike: chit-chatting (I suck at it), Castiel, chili peppers (I don't do well with spicy/hot food), celery, crowds.

Something I love: chocolate, CSI, cheese (goat), cats, Carry on my Wayward Son, carrots, computer games, cup-cakes, cup of tea, crochet, Captain America, Criminal Minds, Chris Evans.

Somewhere I've been: Castricum, convention (Jibcon! \o/), Castle-fest.

Somewhere I'd like to go: Canada.

Someone I know: Christel, Christine.

A film I liked: Captain America, Captain America: The Winter Soldier.


friends, lj friends, meme

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