Computer question...

Jul 10, 2014 22:35

Hey! I had a great time at Oslo, exploring the city with bflyw and beelikej. Pictures will be posted soon.

In the mean time, I have a problem with the sound on my laptop that I hope some of you can help me with. Let's see if I can explain this right...

I usually always have my headphones plugged in, as I'm in the living room with my laptop, and I don't want to bother the rest of my family with the sounds of my computer. Then the other day, I suddenly got this notification baloon thingy pop up saying that a plug was disconnected, like what happens when you pull your headphones out of the plug. Only, I didn't. They were still plugged in, only now, I had no sound. Actually pulling out the plug doesn't help to solve the problem either. Just, no sound anywere. When I restart the computer, the sound is back. Anyone know what that can be and how to solve it? I have Windows 8 (uuuughhh), btw. (Also... not sure if this helps identifying the problem, but when I have no sound, and I go to the speakersettings, and try to test the sound, it says it can't because it's already being used somewhere else... only, as far as I know, nothing is using the sound at that moment.)

friends, question, grrr, computer

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