Art meme! ..and a question.

Jun 14, 2014 03:46

Alright, let's start off with the question. I need a word processing program for my new laptop. I never liked Word, and I can't find the version I used to use, so my question for you, my wise flist is the following: Is there a free downloadable program I can use as a substitute? Hopefully one that can also open Word files, but it's not necessary. Just installed Libre Office. Thanks fub! :D

Second, the art meme!

I've seen several wonderful artists do this, and I loved the idea, but I didn't really think it was for me because I'm not really a digital artist. Then the wonderful cassiopeia7 did the meme using traditional media, which made me re-think.

So here we go. I believe the rule is to set a limit of one hour a piece, but I'm not really sure I can make something nice in one hour, so I might stretch that rule a bit. :') I'm also going to limit it to the first 5 requests, as I'm also working on a commission and my BB art. (though, if I'm having a lot of fun with this, I might open it for a second round. We'll see.) List is full. Keep an eye out for the results!

I'm accepting characters from Spn and CSI (Las Vegas).

Hit me. :)

ETA: One more place left! Aaand, it's full!

1. Gadreel, #8 - casey28 ~Done
2. Vampire!Dean, #6 - cassiopeia7 ~Done
3. Nun!abaddon, #10 - homo_pink ~Done
4. Demon!Dean, #1 - hugemind ~Done
5. JDM/John (Can be YED), #12 - beelikej ~Done
6. Soulless!Sam, #12 - hefreak

art, meme, computer, fanart

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