Things. Stuff.

Dec 26, 2013 23:21

First off, I'd like to start with wishing beelikej a very happy birthday! Hope you're having fun on your trip. :D

Got some Christmas cards! So tanisafan, quantrail, darktwinkle, maichan, aprilmay430 and serenity151979, thank you so much for your cards! <3
I sent mine off last week, so hopefully they've made it all by now. If not, they should be arriving soon. :)

Last week my sister and her boyfriend where over to celebrate a belated Sinterklaas/ early Christmas. As we do every year, we had to buy a present and make something ourselves. I had to buy/ make something for my sisters boyfriend. I picked two things from his wish list, and as the creative gift, I croched him a Creeper (he plays Minecraft, so it seemed appropriate. :') ).
My mom had me this year. She got me a book filled with cute crochet patterns, an embroidery set, a giftcard for an online shop and the book 'Vegan cupcakes take over the world'. As the creative gift she gave me a box filled with cards. On each (decorated!) card is a Supernatural quote. How awesome is that? My mom clearly knows me well. XD

All my presents:

Stamps my mom made herself, used to decorate the box and cards:

The box. Text says: 'Some things you just don't mess with. Team Winchester.'

Box filled with cards:

Quote card. 'Idgits!'

Two more quote cards:

Last week my mom and me also went to see the new Hobbit movie, The Desolation of Smaug. Afdgh. So. Awesome. Obviously, I loved it. Just... *hands*


mail, supernatural, photo's, postcards, pictures, holiday cards, the hobbit, crocheting, presents, holidays, christmas

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