About Jibcon, games and BB.

Jun 14, 2013 20:33

Hey, look at this, an update without pictures. XD

Talking about pictures... I'm slowly making my way through my sunday panel pictures of the Jus in Bello convention, so check this space for an update soon!
Also! Tomorrow the ticket sale for Jus in Bello 5 will start, and I'm already nervous. XD I'm ordering passes for me and bflyw. We want an Angel Pass, but those go fast. Last year they where sold out within 3 minutes. So yeah, I'm composing the email today, and I'll be ready to send it of tomorrow the second we're allowed. XD Keep your fingers crossed for me. :')

I got Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the 3DS yesterday! Afdgh, such a cool game. I've already spend several hours on it. XD Any of you play?

This years spn_j2_bigbang isn't of to a great start for me, reading wise. We're about 2 and a half weeks in, and there hasn't been one story posted that I think I can and/or want to read. :/ I'm sure the stories posted are great, but yeah. Having a very strong preference/ things you can't read sucks yo. I have seen some great art though, so that's one thing.

games, bigbang, jus in bello convention, fandom, fanfic

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