*waves awkwardly*

Mar 22, 2013 01:33

* So uh, still not very good at keeping this journal updated. I want to but I seem to draw a blank each time I'm planning on posting. :/ I think maybe part of it is my job. I love it but it also takes a lot out of me. As an introverted person, having so much contact with people just drains me of pretty much all my energy, and when I get home at the end of the day, all I seem to be able to do is stare at my screen and read. :')

* Hey beelikej, I used the 'hair growing kit' you got me for my birthday, and took some pictures of the result.

Looong 'hair' :'D

And braided!

* Me and my mom went to my sister a few weeks back, to make doll clothes. My sister has some ball jointed dolls, and some Monster High dolls. I loved hers, and got myself two Monster High dolls. I didn't really like what they were wearing when I got them though, so I made them some new clothes.
Made a dress for Abbey Bominable, and a skirt, blouse and scarf for Lagoona Blue. Love how the dress came out, but I'm not as pleased with the skirt and blouse. For now it'll do though. :)

* Promised beelikej I'd upload pictures of a present I made for my dad. I handmade a book, and decorated the front and back with a combination of print and paper cutting.
I took a picture of the Beatles, worked on it some in Photoshop and then printed it out. I cut out the background, and then I took some black paper, cut out the rough shape, and stuck it over the print. Then all that got stuck on a colored paper, with this as the result:

This is the decoration on the back. Printed the picture again, but instead of using black paper, I took gray and stuck that on there. Then I cut out some details from another print of the same picture, and stuck them on the gray paper.

Inside of the book, with some cute tags I got from here at dudecraft.com.

* Made some jewelery out of candywrappers, after seeing a tutorial on Youtube. I think the result is pretty awesome. :D

* I've been wanting a new mobile phone for a while now, and I'm thinking of maybe getting a smartphone. But, I really don't want to spend loads of money on it, as I really don't call or text a lot. (Seriously, I have a pre-paid phone, and it takes me 3 months to go through 20 euro's of credit.) I think I might go get a Samsung Galaxy Mini 2, as it seems like a good phone, but not to expensive. Anyone got any experience with this phone? I've never had a smartphone before, so I'm not really sure what to look out for, or what's a good brand or not.

* And last but not least, a picture of something I'm working on right now...

...am I crazy, or has spell-check disappeard for the update page? *confused*

creative, photo's, pictures, work, crocheting, gifts

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