*hands out cupcakes*

Jan 29, 2013 23:45

I'm being notoriously bad at updating my journal the last few months, but I really want to try to be better at it, so here we go.

* So it was my birthday yesterday. Had a nice relaxing day, unpacking presents and getting to play with them. :P My sister and her boyfriend came to visit on sunday, so that was nice. I made red velvet cupcakes (milk-free, of course.), and they where so yummy. Definitely have to make those again. Here, have some pictures:

Look at that pretty red color:

Got some nice presents. I got myself a Nintendo 3DS xl as a present to myself, and from my parents I got 'The Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time. I think it's my all time favorite game, so I'm very happy to have it. :D If someone else on here has a 3DS, we should totally exchange friendcodes. :D
I got some money from my sisters, and I'm planning to buy The Essential Supernatural: On the Road with Sam and Dean Winchester from it.
I also got some awesome presents from beelikej.

J. gave me the knitting packet (it has wool, four knitting needles for round knitting, and a booklet in it), hair ties, a rainbow slinky (!!), and a 'hair grow kit' (which is basically grass growing out of an animal shaped pot, and you can then style it like hair. :D). Also on the photo is my awesome new game. :D

Also got some great cards. :D

Also! Thanks to everyone who congratulated me, and send me messages (and even a v-gift!). *smooches*

* Finally went to see the Hobbit. I went with my mom, and we both loved it. I kinda fell in love with Kili (and also a little with Fili and Thorin. Yes, I know. I do know how to pick them, don't I?), and now I kinda can't stop reading fanfic. XD I'm having a bit of a hard time finding a lot though, so I'd love some recs. What I would really want to read, is some hurt!Kili, protective big bro Fili. Love me some hurt/comfort. :')

* Bought a new desk chair and cabinet for my room in december. I actually took pictures of the process of putting them together, and then didn't post them here even though I wanted to. So you're getting them now. :P

The two boxes:

First, Alrik the deskchair.

This was the reason for buying the new chair. The old one was waaaaaay to low for me to sit comfortably.

The new situation. (Also, don't mind the mess. :') I've cleaned up since then. :P)

Now Goliath the cabinet.

All done!

Aaand in the right spot.

Bonus pictures of my re-organized shelves.

Love me some jewelery. :')

That's it for now. How are ya'll doing?

mail, movies, games, photo's, pictures, noms, knitting, picspam, personal, presents, birthday, gifts

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