I think I'm gonna start counting backwards from now on... *shifty eyes*

Jan 29, 2011 00:32

Before I forget... I got some late but awesome holiday cards in the mail this week. So thanks to missyjack (Wheeee, rainbow unicorn! \o/) and dauntdraws (Afgdh, I love that drawing, and bonus pony!Dean on the back!! \o/ <3). It definitely cheered me up when I could use some cheering up. :D

Secondly... as you might have noticed by now, I actually changed my username. :o I've thought long and hard, but really, I've never been really happy with the old name, so yeah. Not a big change, so I should get used to it soon. :)

With everthing that's going on, you'd almost forget it was my birthday today (..yesterday? :'3). It was okay. The situation with my mom (which I'll make a separate post about in the near future) made it a bit weird. She's home, btw. She's on tubefeeding though, but only in the evening and night. Other then that she's allowed to have thick liquids (like yogurt and soup and stuff). But it's weird when we're all eating cake and she's not allowed to have a piece. And she's only been home since wednesday, so things haven't entirely settled down yet.
But, she's home, and that's the most important thing. I baked a cake (cowmilk free red velvet. There'll be pictures later. :3), and later I picked up my granddad to have diner at our house.
I also got an awesome package from beelikej, filled with awesome presents. She also made me an awesome manip, which you can check out HERE. Thank you so much bb! *smishes* :D :D

Also, a big thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. *smishes you all*

friends, family, holiday cards, birthday

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