Hi. :)

Jan 14, 2011 03:54

So, I kinda dropped of the face of the internet this week. Reason? My mom's back into the hospital, and things have been a bit weird and hectic around here.
Some of you know that my mom has been in the hospital before. She has a narrowing in the esophagus, down near her stomach, and sometimes that narrowing gets blocked, so no food and fluids can pass through. Obviously, everything that she has been eating and drinking get stuck in the esophagus, which causes pain and a tight feeling in the chest.
They'll be stretching out the narrowing again, but that happens in another hospital, and we had to wait 'till there's room to fit her in. Turns out, we'll have to wait till monday. Ugh. 'Till that time, my mom's getting fluids and nutrition through an I.V. Hopefully once the treatment is done, she can come home soon after.

Anyway. Totally forgot to mention this... sheryden and ullman79, I got your cards. Thank you so much! *smish*

Another thing I forgot. sinnerforhire wrote this totally awesome fic for me for the spn_j2_xmas secret santa! I'm a total sucker for some h/c and schmoop, so this totally hit the spot. :D

Title: The Hope We Hold
Author: sinnerforhire
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Word Count: 4,000

Summary: Two nights before Christmas, Jared rescues a mugging victim from a dark alley.

The Unholy Cause (Spn) - Joe Schreiber 08/01/'11
Tigers and Devils - Sean Kennedy
Live's That Way - Jim Beaver
Faithful Unto Death - Caroline Graham
Nevada Rose (CSI) - Jerome Preisler
The Killing Jar (CSI) - Donn Cortez
Blood Quantum (CSI) - Jeff Mariotte
Dark Sundays (CSI) - Donn Cortez
Schijnbewegingen - Floortje Zwigtman

Last but not least... I'm looking for a book. Or more, my youngest sister is looking for a book, and I'm helping her look. :'3

The book in question is The Order of the Poison Oak by Brent Hartinger. I'm looking for a reliable place where you can pay with Paypal (I don't have a creditcard). Oh wise flist, please to point me in the right direction. Thanks! :)

family, spn_j2_xmas, books, holiday cards, fandom, personal

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