Art: Original and fanart

Jan 08, 2011 06:00

I've been busy this past week, art-wise. I'm hoping to keep this up, 'cause I've noticed my art output hasn't been very great this past year. Anyway, let's see what I've done this past week ( Read more... )

supernatural, art, fanart, drawings, jus in bello convention, fairies

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Comments 27

mystic_reader January 8 2011, 07:54:03 UTC
Both of these are incredibly good!! Wish I had a high quality pic of Sam for ya.


sillie82 January 8 2011, 13:51:49 UTC
Thanks! :D


sillie82 January 8 2011, 13:51:18 UTC
Oooh, awesome! Thank you! :D


cha January 8 2011, 16:19:36 UTC
Anything to encourage more beautiful art


loki_dip January 8 2011, 10:55:04 UTC
Ooo... very pretty! :)

Madame Butterly in particular, sorry I can't help with the Supernatural pics.


sillie82 January 8 2011, 13:52:31 UTC
Thank you. :D

Hey, did you ever get my Christmas card?


loki_dip January 8 2011, 14:37:18 UTC
No :(

You didn't by any chance send it to Ivy Lane (Oxford) did you? I might be able to retrieve if it ended up there...


sillie82 January 8 2011, 14:43:04 UTC

No, I don't think so. I used the address you gave me in the poll, so I'm afraid the mail ate it. D: I could resend it if you want, I still got one or two cards left...


bflyw January 8 2011, 11:45:41 UTC
Beautiful! I love both of them! :-)


sillie82 January 8 2011, 13:52:54 UTC
Thank you, glad you like. :D


darktwinkle January 8 2011, 11:54:38 UTC
You have an amazing abiity of drawing portraits and capturing the likeness! I saw the name Gabriel and was like 'who's he again?' one look at your picture and it all came flooding back ^^

The butterfly lady is pretty too! Can't wait to see her finished :)


sillie82 January 8 2011, 13:53:21 UTC

Thanks, glad you like it. :D


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