Supernatural Talk (and two small picspams)

Oct 09, 2010 02:53

Signed myself up for spn_j2_xmas once again, and got my assignment at the end of last week. It's quite a hard one this time, 'cause I won't really be able to do anything with the prompts, but I think I have an idea that could work.

Been working on my spn_reversebang prompts, and one is close to being done. The other one... the plan was to work on the line-art today, but our desktop is failing us at the moment (hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow... *crosses fingers*), so I'm on my laptop right now, and I don't have a tablet to go with it yet. *sadface* So I kept myself busy making two small picspams. One for 6.01 and one for 6.02. I tried to keep below the 15 pictures for each episode, which was hard, yo. The boys are just that pretty, but I managed. :)

Anyway... Here be my reactions to episodes 6.01 and 6.02, plus a picspam for each. :)

Supernatural 6.01: Exile On Main Street

I've seen very mixed reactions to this episode. A lot of people hated it, and a lot of people liked it. I was one of the people who liked it. The episode left me with a lot of questions and suspicions, but I can't wait to find out what's going on.

Some points. I'll admit to being pissed with Sam and Bobby for not telling Sam was back. I mean, I can understand they had their reasons, and that they wanted Dean to have a happy live outside of hunting... But come on. Especially Bobby should have known that Dean would never be completely happy without his little brother.

Talking about Sam... there's something going on with him. He was very closed off, showing little emotion, and I can't wait to find out what's up with that.

And then the Cambells... I'm not sure what to think of them. I don't trust them one bit, but it does throw in an interesting dynamic.

Last but not least... Lisa. I like her. She took Dean in when he was so very messed up, and gave him room to find his footing again. So yeah, no Lisa hate here.

Let's move on to the pretty pictures. :'3

Supernatural 6.02: Two And A Half Men

Heeheehee, I thought this episode was great. I mean, Dean and a baby? Ngf. The scene in the supermarket was hilarious. Also, I thought I saw some emotion in Sam this episode, watching Dean with the baby. Aww.

Still don't trust the Cambells. I'm really curious to find out what they're doing and who grandpa Cambell's been calling.

Lisa continues to be awesome. And Yay! The Impala's back! \o/

Almost time for episode 3! \o/

sam winchester, supernatural, dean winchester, spicspam

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