BigBang Artpost for 'Amria', by chocca2

Aug 03, 2010 22:15

My third and last BigBang art post! \o/ Man, I don't think I've ever drawn so much for the BigBang in one year, but it was a blast. Anyway, not to much blabbing from me this time, let's just look at the art. :D

As always, click on the pictures to see them bigger. Some of the art contains some minor spoilers for the story, so be warned.

Title: Amria
Author: chocca2
Artist: artistic_sillie
Genre: Gen
Pairing: Brief Dean/OFC
Rating: R
Word count: 20192
Warnings/Spoilers: violence, some graphic scenes and language

Summary: Nebraska rustles Dean’s memories, both good and bad and unfortunately for Dean, he’s not the only one who remembers the past. Sophia, daughter of Costello died in the spring of 2004. The Rumanian Roma clan were devastated by her death so much so they made a vow that whoever was responsible would pay. Still bitter at their loss, Sophia’s family accuses Dean. Unaware of the curse they laid on him, Dean faces his worst enemy - a manifestation of his guilt - himself. Sam, Bobby and Missouri must find a way to help break the curse, before it breaks him.

Notes: Some of the text that I put under the pictures might not be in the story anymore. They're from the first draft I received, and it's what I based my drawings on, so that's why I choose to use them. :)




On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

Dean on the ground

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

'He woke face down on the ground, bits of dirt clinging to his lips.'

Almost made it out

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

'Dean almost made it out that day.

He saw the Impala parked a couple of feet away but as soon as the sunlight hit his face, the crisp, sharp air assaulting his lungs, and a loud pitter-patter of footsteps approaching, he slammed the door shut, kicked it hard enough to make a dent, then sank to the ground.'

Hurt again

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

'Sam sat on the motel floor holding his brother.'

Dean and Sophia

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

'She gasped as her back connected with the wall. Dean slipped a hand up her skirt, squeezed her ass.'




(please comment if you take one, and don't hotlink!! Thank you!)

There you have it. Hope you all like it. Constructive criticism and comments are love. :3

jared padalecki, icons, supernatural, jensen ackles, bigbang, fanart

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