BigBang Artpost for 'And the Greatest of These is Love', by beckaandzac

Jul 20, 2010 18:57

So, for the first time during spn_j2_bigbang, I signed up to be a pinch-hitter. Seriously, I don't know what I was thinking, I already claimed two stories this year. Probably because it's a blast each and every time, and I get to read awesome stories before everyone else. XD
Anyway. You might have guessed it. This is a pinch hit assignment I gladly took when they asked me. For a pinch-hit, I actually had quite a lot of time, so I managed to make just as much as I do for all my other BigBang stories I claimed, so Yay for that. :D

I'll stop blabbing for now. Here be art. :'3 Some of the art contains some minor spoilers for the story, so be warned. :'3 Click on the pictures to see them bigger. Hope you all like!

Title: And the Greatest of These is Love
Author: beckaandzac
Artist: artistic_sillie
Genre: RPF AU
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: religious themes, underage sex (characters are 16/17)
Wordcount: 23,600

Summary: Jensen loves his church, his youth group, and the Sunday school class he and Jared teach together. He also loves Jared, and not in a way the church would approve. He prays to be changed, to be normal, but when that doesn't work, he embraces his feelings for Jared and tries to find new ways to be faithful.



Drinking cocoa

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

'Jared leans into Jensen as they drink their cocoa, and Jensen can feel the heat of his body, wants to curl closer on the bench, hates how intensely he feels the inches between them.'

On the bed

On DeviantArt // Line Drawing

'Jared's hand slides down again, thumb hooking in Jensen's beltloop, fingers curving lower, grabbing at Jensen's butt, pulling him closer until he can feel that Jared is hard, too.

Jensen lets out a little moan and slings a leg over Jared's .''

At the library

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

'Jared sits down next to him and opens a book of his own. Jensen doesn't see the title of this one, but it's easy to tell just by looking that it's different. There are no women in the illustrations, only carefully painted men tangled together in different combinations. Jensen stares.'

With the kids

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing

Jared and Jensen

On DeviantArt // Original Pencil Drawing




(please comment if you take one, and don't hotlink!! Thank you!)

And that's it! beckaandzac, I had a blast working with you. I hope you're happy with me as your pinch-hit artist. :'3

Constructive criticism and comments are love. :3

jared padalecki, icons, supernatural, jensen ackles, bigbang, fanart

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