Jus In Bello

Mar 29, 2010 00:17

First off... Happy belated birthday to ullman79!! Hope you had a great day. :D

Also, beelikej, I got your card. Thank you! :)


Right then.... The Jus In Bello convention. It's getting so close now, and it's also getting very, very real. Nerves are really setting in now, but also the excitement. I'll be flying for the very first time, and I'm very curious how that'll be. And then in Rome I'll be meeting bflyw for real, which is awesome of course. And Friday, the Roman Holiday with Misha and Richard...

I've already started packing my bags. Chucked some clothing and other things in there that I won't be needing before leaving anyway. I've made a list of all the things I need to take with me, but I still have this nagging feeling I'm gonna forget things anyway. XD

I was wondering... as far as I know, we're allowed to ask questions during the actor panels. I'm very bad at thinking up questions, if I even have the courage to ask questions at all. But if I have the courage... is there someone who has some questions they really want to have answered? This is your change! XD

Also. To the people who have already been to a con once... Any tips?

.... so excited! \o/

supernatural, jus in bello convention

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