
Jan 30, 2010 00:47

Okay, first off.... About the Supernatural Jus in Bello convention: My friend bflyw has managed to get hold of a Prophet Pass. This is me being both jealous and excited for her. Anyway, she now has a Angel Pass for sale, for a slightly reduced price. If any of you are interested, check out her post HERE.

So, my birthday... I like to start with thanking everyone who congratulated me. The day was pretty awesome. Went shopping with my mom, and I actually bought quite a lot. :'3 Then when I got home, a pile of cards and a package where waiting for me. \o/
My grandpa came to have diner, and I made cake.

My shopping loot:

(In no particular order: Jeans, butterfly stickers, stick on jewels, rice milk chocolate, butterfly clips, butterfly earrings, make-up, colored pencils, paint, goat cream cheese and perfume free conditioner.)

Birthday loot:

Got the magazine and book from the wonderful beelikej. Thank you bb!!

Cherry cheesecake I made myself:

All in all, I had a great day. :D

I realized I forgot something... Happy belated birthday to sol_nuada!

And last but not least...

Come play, or look at the things that already have been posted!


supernatural, pictures, birthday wishes, noms, jus in bello convention, presents, shopping, birthday

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