Fly away, just fly....

Nov 17, 2009 23:44

* Been a little sick the past few days. :/ I woke up sunday feeling nauseous, but I went to work anyway. It's only for two and a half hours, and I was kinda hoping I'd feel better after a while. But no dice. I actually felt worse, and when I came home I crashed on the couch. Turns out I had a slight fever, and by that time my joints started to ache and my skin felt hyper sensitive. It really looked and felt like the flu, but yesterday I felt a lot better already, and the fever was as good as gone, so it probably was just stomach flu or something.

* I actually may have found a laptop that I like. I'm thinking about getting this one. I think I'll wait a little though, to see what people have to say about it, but I might just have my own computer before the end of the year. No more sharing! \o/

* Okay, I hope someone can clear this up for me. Does the season 4 dvd box of Supernatural -the region 2 version- have the bloopers/ extras on it or not? I hear all kinds of different stories, and I'd like to clear it up before I buy them.

* Booked my flight to Rome for next year, which was an adventure all on it's own. I've never flown before, so this is all new to me. I do need to remember to look what can be done about leg-room, 'cause I'm afraid my legs are too long to fit comfortably between seats. :'3 Anyway, we'll see. Jus In Bello Convention, here I come! XD

health, supernatural, computer, jus in bello convention, personal

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