A little late: Supernatural 5.07: A (small) Picspam

Nov 06, 2009 22:14

I've been busy, so a bit later then usual...

Supernatural 5.07: The Curious Case of Dean Winchester

Loved Patrick's Irish accent. <3 Also? Old!Dean and Bobby where hilarious. :'3

Bobby: "You mean my legs? I am just weeping in my Haagen-Daas."

Dean: "Oh... God."
Sam: "...It's goo-y."

Patrick: "That's 25 years you just pissed away. Better be sure you can win them back."
Dean: "Shuffle up and deal."
Patrick: "This is gonna be fun."

Sam: "It's like Grumpy Old Men."
Bobby + Dean: "Shut up, Sam!"

Dean: "Dude... I believe that he-witch gave you the clap."

Dean: "My back... ngg."
Bobby: "Can you straighten up?"
Dean: "Yeah, but a little sympathy wouldn't hurt."
Bobby: "Butt cheek tingling?"
Dean: "That's kinda personal."

Patrick: "Nice bluff. If we had time I could make a real player out of you."
Sam: "I've got time."
Patrick: "Maybe. But I can't say the same for Dean. Your brother is gonna be dead soon. And when I say soon... I mean minutes."
Sam: *stands to leave, but Patrick won't let him*
Patrick: "The games not over 'till I say it is."
Patrick: "Sorry kid. Aces full."
Sam: *to girl* "You're crying. For a witch, you're so nice it's actually kinda creepy. It's okay. *to Patrick* It's a great hand. Just... not as great as... four fours."
Patrick: "Well played. You know, that whole... 'going out of your head' bit... very method. There's more to you than meets the eye."
Sam: "Cash these in for Dean. Please."
Patrick: "With pleasure."

Bobby: "...idjit."

Dean: "You don't stop being a soldier 'cause you got wounded in battle. No matter what shape you're in, bottom line is you're family. I don't know if you've noticed, but me and Sam, we don't have much left. I can't do this without you. I can't. So don't you dare think about checking out. I don't wanna hear that again."
Bobby: "Now have we done feeling our feelings? Because I'd like to get out of this room before we both start growing lady parts."

Screenshots taken from Oxoniensis, and fiddled with in Photoshop by me.

Already saw 5.08, and loved it. It probably was a good thing I wasn't eating or drinking anything though. Looool. XD

Also? I got a new moodtheme! <3<3

quotes, supernatural, picspam

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