Supernatural 5.04: A picspam (and some reactions)

Oct 07, 2009 19:31

Alright, here we go.

Oh, boys, oh boys... you continue to break my heart into itty-bitty pieces. But! This episode actually ends on a somewhat positive note, so Yay! for that. :D

Dean: "We're talking about the Colt, right? As in the Colt?"
Castiel: "We are."
Dean: "That doesn't make any sense. I mean, why would the demons keep a gun around that kills demons?"
[Loud truck passes]
Castiel: "What? What? Dean--I didn't--I didn't get that."
Dean: *chuckling* "You know it's kinda funny talking to a Messenger of God on a cell phone. It's like watching a Hell's Angel ride a moped."
Castiel: "This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!"
Dean: "Ok, alright. Look-I-I'm telling you, Cas, the mooks have melted down the gun by now."
Castiel: "Well I hear differently, and if it's true, and if you are still set on the insane task of killing the Devil, this is how we do it."
Dean: "Ok. Where do we start?"
Castiel: "Where are you now?"

Dean: "Kansas City. *leans for motel key* Century Hotel, Room 113."
Castiel: "I'll be there immediately." *goes to hang up*
Dean: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, come on, man. I just drove, like, 16 hours straight, ok? I'm human. There's stuff I gotta do."
Castiel: "What stuff?"
Dean: "Eat, for example. And this case, sleep. I just need, like, 4 hours once in a while, ok?"
Castiel: "Yes."
Dean: "Ok so you can... pop in tomorrow morning." *hangs up*
Castiel: "Yes. I'll just......*has been hung up on*......wait here, then."

Ahaha, oh Castiel. He just doesn't understand humans. And then, after Dean has hung up on him, he just stands there. XDXD

Dean: "Dammit, Cas. I need to sleep!"
Sam: "Dean, it's me."
Dean: "Sam? It's a quarter past four."
Sam: "This is important."

Dean: "So you're his vessel, huh? Lucifer's wearing you to the Prom?"
Sam: "That's what he said."
Dean: "Just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in, huh Sammy?"
Sam: "So that's it? That's your response?"
Dean: "What are you looking for?"
Sam: "I don't know. A--a little panic, maybe?"
Dean: "Well, I guess I'm a little numb to the Earth-shattering revelations at this point."
Sam: "What are we gonna do about it?"
Dean: "What do you wanna do about it?"
Sam: "I want back in, for starters."
Dean: "Sam."
Sam: "I mean it. I am sick of being a puppet to these sons of bitches. I'm gonna hunt him down, Dean."
Dean: "Oh, so we're back to revenge then, are we? Yeah, 'cause that worked so well last time."
Sam: "Not revenge. Redemption."

Dean: "So you're just gonna walk back in and we're gonna be the Dynamic Duo again?"
Sam: "Look, Dean, I can do this. I can. I'm gonna prove it to you."
Dean: "Look, Sam, it doesn't matter. Whatever we do... I mean, it turns out that you and me... we're the fire and the oil of the Armageddon. You know, on that basis alone, we should just pick a hemisphere. Stay away from each other, for good."
Sam: "Dean it does not have to be like this. We can fight it."
Dean: "Yeah, you're right, we can. But not together. We're not stronger when we're together, Sam. I think we're weaker. Because whatever we have between, family, whatever it is, they are always gonna use it against us. And you know that. Yeah, we're better off apart. We've got a better chance of dodging Lucifer and Michael and this whole damn thing if we just go our own ways."
Sam: "Dean, don't do this."
Dean: "Bye, Sam."

AGH,AHG, BOYS, STOP BREAKING MY HEART!! D: D: D: D: But I am glad Sam told Dean about being Lucifer's Vessel right away.

Ngh... pretty sleeping Dean. *paws*

Aaaand we're in the year 2014, and this does not look good.


Dean: "Ok, well. Good. Great. You have had your jollies, now send me back you sunuvabitch."
Zachariah: "Oh, you'll get back. All in good time. We want you to marinate a bit."
Dean: "Marinate?"
Zachariah: "Three days, Dean. Three days to see where this course of action takes you."
Dean: "What does that supposed to mean?"
Zachariah: "It means that your choices, have consequences. This is what happens to world if you continue to say no to Michael. Have a little looksee."

Dean: "What the hell?"
Future!Dean: "I should be asking that question, don't you think? In fact why don't you give me one good reason, why I shouldn't gank you right here and now."
Dean: "Because you'd only be hurting yourself?"
Future!Dean: "That's very funny."
Dean: "Look, man. I'm no shapeshifter or demon, or anything, ok?"
Future!Dean: "Yeah. I know. I did the drill while you were out. Silver, salt, holy water, nothing. You know, it was funny. It was that you had every hidden lockpick, boxcutter and switchblade that I carry. Now you wanna explain that? Oh and the, uh, resemblance while you're at it?"
Dean: "Zachariah."
Future!Dean: "Come again?"
Dean: "I'm you. From the tailend of 2009. Zach plucked me from my bed and threw me 5 years into the future."
Future!Dean: "Where is he? I wanna talk to him."
Dean: "I don't know."
Future!Dean: "Oh, you don't know?"
Dean: "No! I don't know. Look, I just wanna get back to my own freakin' year, ok?!"

Future!Dean: "Ok. If you're me. Then tell me something only I would know."
Dean: "Rhonda Hurley. We were, uh, 19. She made us try on her panties. They were pink. And satiny. And you know what? We kinda liked it."
Future!Dean: "Touche. So, what. Zach zapped you up here to see how bad it gets?"

Dean: "I guess. Croatoan virus, right? That's their endgame?"
Future!Dean: "It's efficient. It's incurable. And it's scary as hell. Turns people into monsters. Started hitting the major cities about 2 years ago. World really went in the crapper after that."
Dean: "What about Sam?"
Future!Dean: "Heavyweight showdown in Detroit. From what I understand, Sam didn't make it."
Dean: "You weren't with him?"
Future!Dean: "No. No, me and Sam. We haven't talked in, hell, 5 years."
Dean: "We never tried to find him?"
Future!Dean: "We have other people to worry about."
Dean: "Where are you going?"
Future!Dean: "I gotta run an errand."
Dean: "Whoa, you're just gonna leave me here?"
Future!Dean: "Yes. I got a can full of twitchy trauma survivors out there with an apocalypse hanging over their head. The last thing they need to see is our version of the Parent Trap. So, yeah. You stay locked down."
Dean: "Okay. Alright, fine. But you don't have to cuff me, man. Oh come on, you don't trust yourself?"
Future!Dean: "No. Absolutely not."
Dean: "Dick."

Two Dean's. Pink, satiny panties. *dies*

Castiel: "And in this way, you are each a fragment of total perception. Just, uh, one compartment in that dragonfly-eye of group mind. Now, the key to this total shared conception is, um--it's surprisingly physical. Uh, excuse me ladies. I think I need to confer with our fearless leader for a minute. Why not go get washed up for the orgy? You're all so beautiful."
Dean: "What are you, a hippie?"
Castiel: "I thought you'd gotten over trying to label me."
Dean: "Cas, we gotta talk."
Castiel: "Whoa. Strange."
Dean: "What?"
Castiel: "You... are not you. Not 'now' you, anyway."
Dean: "No! Yeah! Yes, exactly."
Castiel: "What year you're from?"
Dean: "2009."
Castiel: "Who did this to you? Is it Zachariah?"
Dean: "Yes."
Castiel: "Interesting."
Dean: "Oh, yeah, it's frigging fascinating! Now. Why don't you strap on your angel wings and fly me back to my page on the calender."
Castiel: "I wish I could, uh, strap on my wings. But I'm sorry. No dice."
Dean: "What are you, stoned?"
Castiel: "Generally, yeah."
Dean: "What happened to you?"
Castiel: "Life."

Ahahahalol. Hippy!Castiel. XD

Future!Dean: "What the hell was that?"
Dean:" What the hell was that? You just shot a guy in cold blood!"
Future!Dean: "We were in an open quarantine zone. Got ambushed by some Crotes on the way out. Crotes, Croatoans. One of them infected Yeager."
Dean: "How do you know?"
Future!Dean: "Because after a few years of this I know. I started seeing symptoms about a half an hour ago. I wasn't gonna be long before he flipped. I didn't see the point in troubling a good man with bad news."
Dean: "Troubling a good man? You just blew him away in front of your own people! Don't you think that freaked them out a little bit?"
Future!Dean: "It's 2014! Plugging some Crote, it's called common place. And trading words with my friggin' clone, that might have freaked them out a little!"
Dean: "Alright, look..."
Future!Dean: "No! You look! this isn't your time, it's mine. You don't make the decisions, I do. So when I say stay in, you stay in!"
Dean: "Alright, man, I'm sorry. Look, I--I--I'm not trying to mess up here."
Future!Dean: "I know."
Dean: "It's just been a really whacky weekend."
Future!Dean: "Tell me about it."

Future!Dean: "Yeah, ok. You're coming because I want you to see something. I want you to see our brother."
Dean: "Sam? I thought he was dead."
Future!Dean: "Sam didn't die in Detroit. he said yes."
Dean: "Yes? Wait. You mean?"
Future!Dean: "That's right, the Big Yes. To the Devil. Lucifer's wearing him to the prom."

Dean: "Why would he do that?"
Future!Dean: "Wish I knew. But now we don't have a choice. It's in him and it's not getting out. And we've gotta kill him, Dean. And you need to see it. The whole damn thing. How bad it gets. So you can do it different."


Chuck: "So you're really from '09?"
Dean: "'Fraid so."
Chuck:"A little advice? When you get back there? You hoard toilet paper. Understand me? Hoard it. Hoard it like it's made of gold. Because it is."
Dean: "Thanks, Chuck."
Chuck: "Oh, you'll thank me, alright. Mark my words."

Lol! XD

Dean: "You wanna use their deaths as a diversion? Oh man, something is broken in you. You're making decisions that I would never make. I wouldn't sacrifice my friends."
Future!Dean: "You're right. You wouldn't. It's one of the main reasons we're in this mess, actually."
Dean: "These people count on you. They trust you."
Future!Dean: "These people trust me to kill the Devil and to save the world. And that's exactly what I'm gonna do."
Dean: "No. Not like this, you're not. I'm not gonna let you."
Future!Dean: "Oh really?"
Dean: "Yeah."
Future!Dean: *knocks out Dean*

Oh ouch...

Lucifer: "Why? Why would I want to destroy this stunning thing? Beautiful, in a trillion different ways. The last perfect handiwork of God. Ever hear of the story of how I fell from Grace?"
Dean: "Oh good God, you're not gonna tell me a bedtime story, are you? My stomach's almost out of bile."
Lucifer: "You know why God cast me down? Because I loved him. More than anything. Then God The little, hairless apes. And then He asked all of us to bow down before you, to love you more than Him. I said 'Father, I can't'. I said 'These human beings are flawed, murderous.' And for that, God had Michael cast me into Hell. Now tell me, does the punishment fit the crime? Especially when I was right? Look what six billion of you have done to this thing? And how many of you blame me for it?"

Dean: "You're not fooling me, you know that? With this sympathy for the Devil crap. I know what you are."
Lucifer: "What am I?"
Dean: "You're the same thing, only bigger. The same brand of cockroach I've been squashing my whole life. An ugly, evil, belly to the ground supernatural piece of crap. The only difference between them and you, is the size of your ego."
Lucifer: "I like you, Dean. I get what the other angels see in you. Goodbye. We'll meet again soon."
Dean: "You better kill me now!"
Lucifer: "Pardon?"
Dean: "You better kill me now, or I swear, I will find a way to kill you. And I won't stop!"
Lucifer: "I know you won't. I know you won't say yes to Michael, either. And I know you won't kill Sam. Whatever you do, you will always end up, here. Whatever choices you make, whatever details you alter. We will always end I win. So...I win."
Dean: "You're wrong."
Lucifer: "See you in 5 years, Dean."

It's the One Single Tear!

Dean: "That's pretty nice timing, Cas."
Castiel: "We had an appointment."
Dean: "Don't ever change."
Castiel: "How did Zachariah find you?"
Dean: "Long story. Let's just stay away from Jehovah's Witnesses from now on, ok?"
Castiel: "What are you doing?"
Dean: "Something I should have done in the first place."

Dean: "Sam. If you're serious, you want back in, you should hang on to this. I'm sure you're rusty. Look man, I'm sorry. I don't know. Whatever I need to be but I was wrong."
Sam: "What made you change your mind?"
Dean: "Long story. The point is... maybe we are each others Achilles Heel. Maybe they'll find a way to use us against each other, I don't know... I just know we're all we've got. More than that, we keep each other human."
Sam: "Thank you. Really. Thank you. I won't let you down."
Dean: "Oh, I know it. I mean you are the second best hunter on the planet."

Sam: "So what do we do now?"
Dean: "We make our own future."
Sam: "Guess we have no choice."


Screenshots taken from Oxoniensis, and fiddled with in Photoshop by me.

Loved this episode. I really, really do. <3

quotes, supernatural, picspam

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