Supernatural 5.01: A Picspam

Sep 12, 2009 23:34


Supernatural 5.01: Sympathy For The Devil

Dean: "What the hell?"
Sam: "I don't know."

New title card! Watch it on YouTube here.

Dean: "Where's Cas?"
Chuck: "He's dead. Or gone.The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry."
Dean: "You're sure? I mean, maybe he just vanished into the light or something."
Chuck: "Oh, no. He, like, exploded. Like a water balloon of chunky soup."

Dean: "You just keep your distance, asshat."
Zachariah: "You're upset."
Dean: "Yeah, a little."

Dean: "Cram it with walnuts, ugly."

Sam:"'s like who-ever put me on that plane cleaned me right up."
Dean: "Supernatural methadone."
Sam: "Yeah, I guess."

Becky: "Yes, I'm a fan, but I really don't appreciate being mocked. I know that "Supernatural" is just a book, okay? I know the difference between fantasy and reality."
Chuck: "Becky, it's all real."
Becky: "I knew it!"

Bobby: "You're sorry you started Armegeddon? This sort of thing don't get forgiven boy. If by some miracle we pull this off, I want you to loose my number, you understand me?"

Dean: "Ruby?"
Meg: "Try again. Go back further."
Dean: "Meg?"
Meg: "Hi."

Meg: "You know, your surrogate daddy's still awake --Screaming in there. And I want him to know how it feels. Slicing the life out of you."

Zachariah: "You're Michael's weapon. Or rather, his receptacle."
Dean: "I'm a vessel?"
Zachariah: "You're the vessel. Michael's vessel."
Dean: "How? Why, why me?"
Zachariah: "Because you're chosen! It's a great honor, Dean."
Dean: "Oh, yeah. Life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass, thanks."

Dean: "What if we win? I'm serious. I mean, screw the angels and the demons and their crap Apocalypse. They want to fight a war, they can find their own planet. This one's ours, and I say they get the hell off of it. We take 'em all on. We kill the Devil. Hell, we even kill Michael if we have to, but we do it our own damn selves."
Bobby: "And how are we supposed to do all this, genius?"
Dean: "I got no idea. But what I got is a G.E.D. and a "give 'em hell" attitude and I'll figure it out."
Bobby: "You are nine kinds of crazy, boy."
Dean: "It's been said."

Dean: "You chose a demon over your own brother, and look what happened."
Sam: "I would give anything -- anything -- to take it all back."
Dean: "I know you would. And I know how sorry you are. I do. But, man...You were the one that I depended on the most. And you let me down in ways that I can't even... I'm just -- I'm having a hard time forgiving and forgetting here. You know?"

Screenshots taken from oxoniensis and fiddled with in Photoshop by me.

Up to episode 2! \o/

quotes, supernatural, picspam

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