Music meme

Sep 01, 2009 10:41

Nicked from smidgy06.

You can learn a lot about someone by the music they listen to. So here is the game! Hit shuffle on your ipod or mp3 player and write down the first 25 songs. No cheating or skipping songs that are shameful. That is the fun! Then tag your friends.

songs )

meme, music

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Comments 4

darktwinkle September 1 2009, 15:35:48 UTC
Yaaay Rammstein ~ Zwitter never fails to make me laugh, neither does Mein Teil actually (I think thats the video though :P)

I might have to snag this from you :)


sillie82 September 4 2009, 22:33:13 UTC
I must admit I had to get used to their songs a little, but I really like them now. :D


loki_dip September 1 2009, 17:32:49 UTC
Ooo... fellow Stone Sour fan. Much approval for that!


sillie82 September 4 2009, 22:34:35 UTC


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