Life - fandom: Supernatural/ J2 - etc.

Aug 28, 2009 20:05

* So yeah... I'm once again very bad at updating my journal, but this time I can, for a little part at least, blame my new job. They're keeping me pretty busy, which is good, but leaves less time to spend on the interwebz. But. I'm really enjoying my new job. It's leaving me sore and tired as fuck at the end of the day, but I like it. I just really hope to get a steady position at one of the daycares, so I don't have to learn new names each time I go to a different daycare, and I can form a bond with the kids... Plus, you know... a steady income would be nice. :'3

* I might have missed some birthdays, btw. So if your birthday has passed and I didn't mention it... Sorry! And I want to take this time to wish arwynhalfmoon a happy early birthday. Hope you'll have a great day tomorrow!

* Fandom, Supernatural/ J2 to be exact. In the past few weeks, I've seen some pictures and video's come by on my flist I think some of you might appreciate, so I'm reposting them here.

Young!Jensen. Say it all with me: N'awwwwww!!! *pinches his cheeks*


Oh Jensen... <3<3<3

image Click to view

<3<3<3 Booooys!!

image Click to view

Hi thar, Jensen's butt. :'3

Man.. can't wait for the new season to start. *twitches* And now I need to somehow get my hands on the dvd's of season 4. *searches*

* Question... I'm looking for CSI screenshots of season 9 (and 8). Anyone know where I can get them? 'Cause the sites I used to get them from are down or something like that, and I'd really like to make some icons sometime soon. :3

csi, sam winchester, supernatural, pictures, jensen ackles, birthday wishes, picspam, personal, jared padalecki, youtube, work, dean winchester, fandom

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