About Harry Potter Marathons, work and (fan)art

Jul 24, 2009 21:36

Haven't updated in way to long. I suck at updating these days. I always forget what I want to talk about, silly me. Anyway...

* Spend last weekend at beelikej's, for a Harry Potter Marathon. We watched the five (old) Harry Potter movies up at her attic, together with some of her other friends (who where all very nice, btw). :3 I had an awesome time. (beelikej has some great pictures over here). I made some chocolate frogs, who tasted a bit funny, but where great decoration material. :'3
Now I need to find some time to watch the new Harry Potter movie, but I'm afraid I won't have time till somewhere next month. *sadface* BUT! The weekend was awesome, so thank you beelikej! :D

* As I might've mentioned, I've got a new job, and I've been quite busy with it. Vacation time is apparently a time subs are very needed. I have to work three almost 10 hour days next week, and it takes a bit of getting used to. But, I like it, and I'm learning a lot.
Yesterday I subbed in a group with 8 kids under 2 years old, 2 where actually 'baby' babies (Ahaha, if you know what I mean. XD) Been changing diapers all day, and keeping two little babies entertained who both wanted my full attention. <3
I was knackered at the end of the day, but satisfied. I'm definitely learning a lot, and getting the experience I need for a steady job.

* Talking about the subbing job... Last monday and two days in the week before, I spend my days at a school which had an awesome wall painting outside.

* Finished the art for my second claim of the spn_j2_bigbang. I'll be posting it on monday, and I can't wait so show it to you all. I'm pretty proud of it, and the story I drew it for is awesome too, so... *rubs hands* :D

* Talking about the bigbang... something's been bothering me. And it shouldn't, so I want to get it of my chest. 'Cause for some reason, it feels like the art gets under-appreciated. With every fic I read, I also check out the art, and I noticed that the art posts don't even get half the amount of comments the story gets, and that bothers me.
I feel the bigbang is all about the authors and artists working together in creating a wonderful overall picture, with a great story and accompanying visual material. They're both just as important, but with the fic getting loads more comments, it feels like the art doesn't really matter, is just there for the 'pretty picture' and not really worth the time commenting on. I just.. yeah, I don't know. I've always felt like the fic gets more attention then the fan-art, and there are some great artists out there that deserve just as much attention as some as the authors get. *shrugs* Anyway... I'll climb off of my soapbox and I'll go sulk over there, where nobody's bothered by it.

* ... there are actually some other things that bother me when it comes to fandom, but I'll just sit on my hands and save that for another day. :'3

friends, movies, pictures, fanart, harry potter, work, bigbang, fandom

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