... why the hell am I still up? D:

May 30, 2009 03:47

* I mentioned I started swimming again, right? Managed to swim 20 lanes in our 50m bath in about half an hour today, so that's good.
The thing that irritates me though is how people just swim all over the place. Just... stick to the right or something. I hate to have to weave around people who are swimming in the middle of the bath and are going slow. *hands*

* Going to beelikej tomorrow. I'll be staying the weekend, and we'll fill our days with CSI, Supernatural and related other stuff. I'm sure we'll be also scouring the internet for convention-movies and pictures, old and new.
Here, have the link to the SuperWiki Asylum 2009 page. :3 It's already filling up with links to pictures and con-reports. Go look! :D

* To conclude this post ('cause I really need to go to bed!), some pictures of a hairdo that makes my hair look way shorter then it is. :'3

Look at that. First try at the 'short' pony-tales.

Back view.

Side view.

Second try:

I like. I only need to find a better way to pin it down, 'cause the way I did it these to times, it pulls to much, and it gives me a headache after a few hours. Hmm... *ponders*

* Alright, off to print some fanfic to read in the train. See you all later. :D

friends, supernatural, hair, csi marathon

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