Supernatural 4.17, a picspam

Mar 28, 2009 03:49

A happy (belated) birthday to ullman79!! *throws confetti*


Supernatural 4.17: It's A Terrible Life

Oh, OH! Loved, loved this episode.~! <3 And the boys both looked yummy. I might have more pictures then normal because of that. :'3 Anyway... so it's the angels messing with their lives again. Also... Smith & Wesson? Looool. XD

On to the pictures! :D:D

Aaaahahahahahaha! Oh god. XDXD The clothing kills me. And the hair! <3<3<3

I think this'll be the only time we'll see Dean pull this face when he hears rock music. :'3

Aahahahaha! *smishes his face* :'3


....what? Oh, uh...

Sam: "...Do I know you?"
Dean: "I don't think so."

Sam: "I'm sorry man, you just look really familiar."
Dean: "....Safe it for the health club, man."

Aahahaha, every time I see this picture, I have to yawn myself. XD

He doesn't even really fit into his cubicle. :'3

Dean looks possibly freaked out to be on his own in the elevator with Sam. :'3

Death by pencil. Ouch.


Dean: "It's the Master Cleanse... you tried it? It's phenomenal. Detoxes you like it's nobodies business..."

Lol, Dean's face at Sam kicking in that door. :'3

Dean: "We do what I do best Sammy... research."
Sam: "Okay... Did you just call me Sammy?"
Dean: "Did I?"
Sam: "I think you did. Yeah. *pulls face* Don't."
Dean: "....Sorry."

Hee, looking at the Ghostfacers instructional video's on how to get rid of a ghost. XD

...Yikes. Damn elevators.

Heehee, they're so gleeful about it all.


...That's one way to quit your job. Anger management issues, Sammy? :'3

And Dean finally gives in to the feeling he should be someone else. Turns out his 'boss' is an angel too, and he gives him back his memories, sorta speak.

Screencaps by Oxoniensis, and fiddled with in Photoshop by me.

Next week looks very interesting. :'3

sam winchester, supernatural, birthday wishes, dean winchester, picspam

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