Prooooomt meeee.....

Jan 15, 2009 19:55

Okay you guys... help me out here. I need writing promts. Yes, you read it right... I want to try my hand at writing again, 'cause I actually kinda miss it a little. I mean, not that I wrote much, but I think I haven't written anything in almost two years, and it's getting ridiculous.

So. Hit me with some prompts. Fandoms I'm up for are CSI, Supernatural and J2 RPS. Gen or Slash. Give me a fandom, character/ pairing and a promt. I'll try to write at least a drabble. And if I really can't think of anything, I'll give you a 15 minute sketch.


Talking about creativity... There's still the Pay It Forward meme, in case some of you hadn't seen it yet. I've only got one reaction until now. It's fun, and you've got a whole year to make something, so come and play! :D


In case some of you haven't seen these yet...

Jensen on Jimmy Kimmel
Jensen at Bonnie Hunt
Jensen about 'My Bloody Valentine'
4 more 'My Bloody Valentine' interviews
Jensen on Chelsea Handler

Pictures of Jensen at the MBV 3D Premiere
Spn 4x13 Episode Stills [SPOILERS] (Ahahha, I especially love the first one. XD)


writing, supernatural, pictures, jensen ackles, meme, fanart, fanfic, fandom

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