Happy 2009!

Jan 03, 2009 20:07

First post of 2009... so let's start of with wishing all of you a very happy new year. Whether 2008 was a good or bad year for all of you, let's hope 2009 will be a better one. :D

missyjack, I got your card yesterday. It's awesome. :D Thank you so much!

Did some coloring on photoshop. Remember the sketch I did of Dean in anime style? Here is a colored version...

(Click to enlarge)

Not sure what to think of it. Ah well. :P

Talking about art... I'm finally making some progress on my spn_j2_xmas artwork, and I'm hoping I'll be able to post it somewhere next week. :3

I actually wanted to make some CSI season 9 icons, but it seems like all the screencap websites I used to get my screencaps from have either vanished, or don't have screencaps of season 9 yet. *is a sad panda* Do any of you know a good website for season 9 screencaps? I want to make me some Nick/Greg icons.

csi, supernatural, holiday cards, dean winchester, fanart

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