Nick/Greg Slash Recs

Jan 28, 2007 02:03

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Nick/Greg Slash Recs

One Of Us, by BuffyAngel68
The unluckiest man in Vegas can't catch a break, but this time he may end up broken for good.

Change Is Never Easy, by BuffyAngel68
PG13/ NC17
Greg and Nick both face a difficult road to wholeness. The others are doing their best to help, but their own issues keep getting in the way. Meanwhile, Sara is still among the missing. Will she be found before she self-destructs? Sequel to One Of Us

Whatever's True, by Caster
The question of what Nick would sacrifice to be with Greg was once a rocky one.

Pirates, by catlover2x
AU - NC17 - (Nick/Greg, Ricardo/Archie)
Blood reddened the white of his shirt as he fell to his knees, groping for his sword. Gregory staggered gamely to his feet, sword in one hand and pistol in the other. He raised his pistol to shoot when a burst of pain exploded in his head and his vision swam. He fell senseless to the deck.

Power/Play, by catlover2x
In which Nick and Greg put to use some of their role playing games when they are sent undercover into the world of S&M. Contains BDSM (not sex), although they don’t do it to each other. Non con violence. H/C.

Take Good Care of Yourself, by catlover2x
First kiss and lots of schmoop. Greg has a cold, Nick seizes the day. I know, done to death. Humor me.

The MasqueradeX2 Series, by catlover2x and fred_bear
This is a series of Role Play Fantasies between the boys. Each will have two parts, 1 for Greg and 1 for Nick, their fantasy being fulfilled by the other. There will be as many parts as we have ideas for. Enjoy!

Breaking the Boy, by catlover2x and fred_bear
Many readers of Masquerade asked how Greg broke his arm in FlyBoyz and at long last, here is the back story that tells the whole thing.

Torchlight On Red Faces, by carolinecrane
This is his first experience with stalking. He's not even sure it counts as stalking exactly, because he's only been following Nick for around twenty minutes. Still, he's hanging back, blending as best he can with the crowd -- and it isn't that hard in a casino on a Friday night -- when he could just walk up to Nick and say hello.

All The Way To Paris, by carolinecrane
Greg leaves Las Vegas after the explosion, and Nick learns a lesson about regret.

What Makes The Man, by carolinecrane
At the time Greg had laughed and taken the soda, pressing back into Nick's body heat for a second before he turned and gave the other man a devious grin. "You mean I don't get to keep the cop uniform? Could be fun, you know. You up for a little role-play?"

The Pancake Series, by carolinecrane *
PG to R
Starts with 'Banana Pancakes'. Nick and Greg in season 9.

Fireflies, by carolinecrane.

carolinecrane 's Fic Directory. *

Healing, by Elamae *new*
During one of their current cases, the CSI's find out something about Greg's past. Adult themes, Non-consensual.

Autre Ne Vueil, by geekwriter143
Spoilers: Up through season 6.
"I, I punched a window. Actually, I punched through the window."

Stop Whispering, by geekwriter143
Spoilers: For Grave Danger.
Jillian Stokes thinks it's a good idea to retrieve a few things from Nick's townhouse.

Curtain And All, by geekwriter143
Life with Greg could be weird, but it was never boring.

One Good Man, by geekwriter143
A conference takes Nick and Greg to San Francisco.

Pure Luck, by iamtheenemy
Spoilers: For Grave Danger, mentions of the pilot, Cool Change and Random Acts of Violence.
Coda to Grave Danger, told from Warrick's point of view. Warrick feared he’d let loose all the things that went through his mind today. How much he respected Nick. How he loved him like a brother. How it should have been Warrick in that box. How jacked up this whole situation was.

Three Ways They Didn't Find Out, by iamtheenemy
Three ways the other CSIs didn't find out about Nick and Greg. Though Greg may not be in this fic a lot, the whole thing is about him, so I think it applies.

Game Day, by iamtheenemy
A voice in Greg's head asked him why he insisted on setting himself up for disappointment by nursing hopeless crushes on gorgeous, unattainable, straight men.-Football, beer and a woefully oblivious Greg.

Into The Fire, by kennedy_unknown
Not that long after the events of Grave Danger, Nick Stokes finds himself in another dangerous situation when he and Greg are sent to a crime scene in the mountains.

We Get It Right, by kennedy_unknown *
Nick Stokes works well during the day, but loses it at night. Ficlet dealing with the aftermath of a recent Season 8 plot, so spoilers.

Transcendentally, by mausi
Transcendentally: Beyond common thought or experience.

The Rules Of The Game, by michigangirl30
The Game is fun until someone gets hurt.

The Rules Of The Game: The Way Down, by michigangirl30
It takes a word to make an action.

Devote by omarandjohnny
Spoilers: Pertains to an event in Play With Fire.
Hospitals. Eep.

Ser Sucio, by omarandjohnny
AU - NC17
Spoilers: Contains elements from Play With Fire and Overload.
Ghosts of the past.

Twenty-One Breathes, by rurounihime
A bad week - a bad case - turns decidedly worse.

Inevitable, by serenity151979
Angsty drabble written in ten minutes. Things are never as they seem. Don't hold it against me! =D

Senses Wild, by xof1013
When a shift from hell turns into a double filled to the brim with a bad-memory chaser, both Nick and Greg find themselves spending time together to unwind - in more ways than one!

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csi, greg sanders, nick stokes

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