
Jul 13, 2007 15:08

Almost a week later... anyway. Like I said, had an awesome weekend at beelikej's last weekend. Watched the last few episodes of CSI season 7 I hadn't seen yet. I think this is the first time I'm kinda meh about the final. *shrug*
Then we watched 'Evel Knievel' (Nfghra the hair!! *rubs eyes* O.o) and 'True Vinyl' (Awww, baby Eric *pinches his cheeks*). I brought my season 6 part 2 dvd box set, so we watched the episode Poppin' Tags after that, with commentary from George and writer Dustin Lee Abraham. God, I swear, George loves everybody. :'3

Next day we started with a study of Marilyn Manson's videoclip for (S)aint. We came to the conclusion that Eric is wearing a skirt. *nods* :'3
Then we watched the vampire movie 'The Lost Boys' (Hah. XD), which was fun. And then we watched the finals of both Torchwood and Dr. Who.

Oh, by the by, Judith? Remember the antisocial smoker dude? Of course he went and sat in the seat right behind me, and I could smell him. Urgh. But go you for telling him off. :D


Wednesday, rugzakje and mikevrakking came to visit me. We had a nice chat and went for a walk in the small forrest near my house. It was really nice. Hope you both enjoyed it too. Oh, and say thanks to Anneke for me. :3


Had a bit of a situation at our hand yesterday. My grandpa has bad eyes, and needs to go and see a doctor for them occasionally. And someone needs to take him there. The last 3 times, I did it, so this time my mother asked my sister to do it. My sister didn't mind, and got in the car yesterday. Everything went fine, till she reached a rather big intersection. And the car quit on her. Luckily, there are still nice people on this earth, and a guy helped her push the car to the side of the road, to a parking space where it could stand. My sister called my mom, who called first my grandparents, that my sister was coming a little late, and maybe they should call the doctor. And then she called my dad at work, to tell him about the situation. His boss isn't a difficult man when it comes to situations like this, so he jumped on his bike to meet my sister. Checked the car also, and came to the conclusion it was an empty battery.
Eventually they called my aunt, who was at home also, but hasn't driven on an freeway in years, and was scared too. She did let my sister borrow her car though, so my grandpa eventually made it too the doctor, albeit a bit late. My dad got one of his colleagues to drive him to the car after work, and jumpstarted the thing. When I tested it this morning, it did start, but I still think it needs checking out. Who says it won't happen again?

friends, family, driving, csi marathon

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