Shop till you drop

Feb 12, 2007 18:47

Went shopping saturday in Amsterdam, with my dad. It's funny, 'cause we're both not really that fond of shopping, but I guess we had a common ground in this. In all the shops I wanted to go, there was something for him to look at too, so we weren't just hanging around waiting for each other. I had some birthday money to spend, and I managed to get my grabby hands on the first part of season 6 of CSI. And with a discount too. I really wanted to get my hands on season 2 of Dark Angel ('cause yeah.. I've kinda fallen in love with Alec. XD), but couldn't find it anywhere. I'll have to keep my eyes open and hopefully I'll run into it one of these days.
Anyway, it was fun. :3

Still have some money left. I might go spend it on paint and colored pencils. (The ones I use are expensive yo. Two euro's a pencil. O.o But hey, they're worth it. :P)

Yay, 'new' eppie of CSI tonight. Toe Tags. ::hums::

shopping, csi

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