
Jun 26, 2006 14:21


And once again,


Why the abuse of the exclamation mark?

Look. At. This!!!!


*takes deep breath* Alright. So, about a year ago, I, in a state of temporary insanity boredom, wrote a letter to Mr. Szmanda. Didn't really expect something from it, it was just for fun, and I actually forgot I send the thing.

'Till saturday morning. I got the mail, and there was this big, yellow envelop, with my name and address on it in my own handwriting. I was like 'wah?' and showed it to my mom, who at that point, was just as curious as me. So I opened it up, peered inside, and heh. Made some weird noise and then laughed. I loved the guy already, but now? My love is big as the sky. *nods*

There was also a (typed) letter inside. Of course it's one of those letters they send to everybody, but it was funny to read anyway.

Dear Silvia,

Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. This has been a busy season for me. Now that "Greg" has made his way into the field, I/We are putting in more hours than years past. This transition has been fun for me as an actor and I have to support of viewers like you to thank.

We just finished with Season 6 and I'm enjoying some time off. During the summer, I plan to travel, write, have fun, and hang out with my dog, Dax. On a creative level, I'm developing a couple projects of my own which I hope I can share with the world soon. I don't have any work lined up for the summer yet, but that could change. Either way, I'll make the most of my hiatus.

I'd just like to let you know that I appreciate you taking the time to write me. I know you have other things you could be doing with your day.

Eric Szmanda
Projects of his own hmm? *curious* :P

Anyway... I can truly say that this made my week. No, my month. :D:D

squee, eric szmanda

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