Well, shit.

Feb 15, 2006 00:57

Oh joy, oh bliss... I got rear-ended tonight.

I was standing behind two other cars, waiting for the light to turn green, just talking with my mom about the evenings events, when I saw a car come up behind us. I took a look back at the lights, which had turned green just that moment, then turned my attention back to the car behind us, waiting for the other cars to pull up.

The car behind me wasn't really stopping, but it was only when I couldn't see the headlights anymore that I knew the car wasn't going to stop at all. The car in front of me didn't pull up in time for me to get moving, so the car crashed right into us.

Thank god she wasn't going to fast. My mom was more shocked than I was, wanted to hop right out of the car to talk to the person from the other car, but it wasn't a safe place to get out. So I told her to stay put, and found a safe place to stop the car. The other person followed us.

It was a woman, and started to apologize right away. She'd seen the light turn green and kinda expected she could just drive on. Her car was more damaged than ours. There was fluid leaking at quite an alarming rate onto the ground. I checked our car as best as I could. I don't know that much about cars, so I checked if there where any dents, if there was anything obstructing the wheels, and if there was anything sticking out of the car, or leaking.

The woman gave us her phone-number and address, and then we moved on. The car was still driving, I didn't hear any weird noises, so I think everything's still okay. My dad's going to take it to a garage tomorrow, to get it checked out.

I'm just glad we're all okay. My mom's head and neck are hurting a little. I've got nothing, but I think I unconsciously braced myself a little for impact. I new she was going to hit us seconds before she did. I didn't know in time to warn my mom, so she didn't expect it at all.

So yeah... my hands have stopped shaking now. :'3 It wasn't that big a deal, you just don't expect to get hit while you're waiting for the light to turn green.


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