
Nov 28, 2005 14:05

As I mentioned before, my parents where married 25 years on the 21th of this month. So this saturday, we partied. :P Well, me not so much. I was in one of my 'I don't really feel like talking much' moods, which was sad really, cause I don't see my dads side of the family much. And some of them I hadn't seen in a really long time. Instead I busied myself with the sound-system, to provide everyone with music.

My sisters and I already gave our present on the 21st, but we also had something else, which we handed over at the beginning of the evening. It's some sort of book, with drawings, pictures, stories and poetry from the three of us.

Three of my contributions:

On the beach

When we where young

Sorta Fairytale

And now for some pictures:

(click picture to enlarge)

My mom and dad. My dad actually wore a jacket. He hasn't worn one in years. XD

Cutting the cake. On the cake is one of their marriage-pictures. :3

My mom and one of her brothers, my uncle Louis. I was pleasantly surprised that he showed up. Some people he'd worked for and became friends with came with him. They kind of 'adopted' him. He lives at a commune, and Ria and Theo live more close to it than any of us do. :3

My youngest sister Miranda and me, leafing though a cd-booklet. I remembered some lyrics, but not the songtitle. XD

After pretty much everyone had gone home, it was time to clean up. Miranda 'took care' of the balloons... XDD And yes, she actually is in love, and has a boyfriends since about a week or two. :'3

Ahahaha, I think for the coming week or two, we'll be eating cake. There was quite a bit left, and we took it home. Woe is me. :'3

pictures, party

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